Tomasz Gebarowski

Making Debian library package with dh_make

This post is a short introduction to building *.deb packages using dh_make & dpkg_buildpackage tools.

Let us assume that we want to make a Debian package for a simple library. We are going to create two *.deb files, due to the fact that in Debian-based operating systems, libraries are usually distributed in one of the two forms:

Problem with PKG_CHECK_MODULES under Mac OS X

Yesterday I had some problem with compiling my Glib application under Mac OS X. I knew that everything worked before on Debian and the problem had to be one of this darwin-specific.

Just to make myself clear. Here is the error I got after executing: ./configure

 checking for pkg-config... pkg-config<br />
./configure: line 3489: syntax error near unexpected token `GLIB,'<br />
./configure: line 3489: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GLIB, glib-2.0)'<br />

Glib, GObject and memory leaks

I’m working currently on a server application which uses Glib and GObject system. I wanted to test it with valgrind against memory leaks, but the results had really scared me. I got tens of memory alignment errors and hundreds of bytes that leaked somewhere. After investigating the problem I found possible reasons and a solution.

The main problem is related to Glib and the way it allocates memory. It doesn’t use a pure C-like way which is based only on malloc & free. It rather uses something called “slice allocator”.

If you don’t know what the “slice allocator” is, I will quote some useful information from the Gnome Reference Manual.

Logic gates with Neural Networks

Simple Java Swing application written to present learning abilities of Neural Networks. Program uses a back propagation algorithm and provides a set of adjustable logic gates which can be used for the testing purposes.

image Fuzzy Logic


Pacman3D is a clone of a well known computer game moved into 3D world. It was created for a Computer Graphics course during my studies at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Holland. The project was realized in a group of five people. My main responsibilities were connected to 3D scene coding, sound effects, game AI and basic 2D graphics (like menu, game panel and console).

Some of the game elements are based on Quake graphics (menu, console etc.). However the core of the Pacman is based on the original game rules.